CÉSIN and Cybereco establish a partnership

Cybereco is pleased to announce the 1st transatlantic partnership with the Club des Experts de la Sécurité de l’Information et du Numérique (CÉSIN), a French association created in 2012 “bringing together cybersecurity managers from companies in all business sectors and government agencies, with the main objective of collectively contributing to the rise in cybersecurity maturity of organizations.”

Representatives of Cybereco members holding CISO/RSSI positions will now be able to join CESIN and benefit from the many networking activities and workshops organized by CÉSIN. Please note that the CÉSIN is a French organisation, so the events and communications will be mostly in French. 

This partnership will also enable remote coordination and facilitation of meetings and events with CÉSIN.

This partnership is an opportunity to create a unique bridge and strengthen ties with our French counterparts in a context where cybersecurity is everyone’s business worldwide.

To become a member of CÉSIN, you need to apply online. Your application will then be evaluated and validated by the CÉSIN administration, which reserves the right not to accept your application if you do not meet the following conditions.

Conditions of membership: CESIN is reserved for experts holding management positions in information and digital security (CISOs, FSSIs, DSSIs, Cybersecurity Directors, CISOs, RSIs, SOC Managers, CERT Managers, CIOs and Technical Directors acting as CISOs), within private or public companies, excluding commercial companies whose main activity is the provision of information and digital security solutions and/or services.

Application form available here: https://cesin.fr/apply.php